Access time – the amount of time required for a processor to retrieve information from the hard drive; recorded in milliseconds.
Account payable – Financial obligations the hotel owes to private and government-related agencies and vendors.
Account receivable – Amount of money owed to the hotel by guests.
Aging of account – Indication of the stage of the payment cycle such as 10 days old, 30 days overdue, 60 days overdue.
All-suite – A level of service provided by a hotel for a guest who will desire an at home atmosphere.
Amenities – Personal toiletry items such as shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash and electrical equipment.
American plan – A room rate that includes meals, usually breakfast and evening meal as well as room rental in the room rate.
Assets – Items that have monetary value.
Atrium concept – A design in which guest rooms overlook the lobby from the first floor to the roof.
Average Daily Rate ( ADR ) – A measure of the hotel staff’s ability to sell available room rates; the method to compute the ADR is :
Room revenue / number of rooms sold
Balance sheet – An official financial listing of assets, liabilities and owner’s equity.
Bank card – credit cards issued by banks, examples of which include Visa, MasterCard, JCB.
Banquet sheet – a listing of the details of an event at which food and beverage are served.
Bill-to-account – An extension of credit to a guest by an individual hotel that requires the guest or the guest’s employer to establish a line of credit and to adhere to a regular payment schedule.
Biometrics – An individual electronic measurement of uniqueness of human being such as voice, hand print or facial characteristics.
Blackout – Total loss of electricity.
Blocking on the horizon – Reserving guest rooms in the distant future.
Blocking procedure – Process of reserving a room on a specific day.
Bottom up – A sales method that involves presenting the lest expensive rate first.
Brownouts – Partial loss of electricity.
Business affiliation – Chain or independent ownership of hotels.
Call accounting – A computerized system that allows for automatic tracking and posting of outgoing guest room calls.
Cancellation code – A sequential series of alphanumeric combinations that provide the guest with a reference for a cancellation of a guaranteed reservation.
Cash bank – A specific amount of paper money and coins issued to a cashier to be used for making change.
Cashier – A person who processes guest check outs and legal tender and make change for guest.
Cashier’s report – A daily cash control report that list cashier activity of cash and credit cards and machine totals by cashier shift.
Chain – A group of hotels that follow standard operating procedures such as marketing, reservations, quality of service, food and beverage operations, housekeeping and accounting.
Chain affiliations – Hotels that purchase operational and marketing service from a corporation.
Channel management – Objective review of the most profitable marketing approach for guest rooms, central reservation system, GDS, third party reservation system, toll free phone reservation, travel agent, etc.
City ledger account – A collection of accounts receivable of non registered guest who use the service of the hotel.
Collective bargaining unit – A labor union
Commercial cards – Credit cards issued by cooperation, an example of which is Diners Club.
Commercial hotels – Hotels that provide short-term accommodation for travelling guests.
Commercial rate – Room rates for business people who represent a company but do not necessarily have bargaining power because of their infrequent or sporadic pattern of travel.
Communication hierarchy – A listing of the order in which management personnel may be called on to take charge in an emergency situation.
Complimentary rate – A rate in which there is no charge to the guest.
Computer supplies – Paper, forms, ribbons, ink cartridges needed to operate the system.
Concierge – A person who provides an endless array of information on entertainment, sports, amusement, transportation, tours, church services and babysitting in a particular city or town.
Conference call – A conversation in which three or more persons are linked by telephone.
Confirmed reservations – Prospective guests who have a reservation for accommodations that is honored until a specified time.
Continental breakfast – Juice , fruit, sweet roll and/or cereal.
Controller – The internal accountant for the hotel.
Convention guests – Guest who attend a large convention and receive a special room rate.
Corporate client – A hotel guest who represents a business or is a guest of that business and provides the hotel with an opportunity to establish a regular flow of business during sales periods that would normally be flat.
Corporate guests– frequent guests who are employed by a company and receive a special room rate.
Corporate rates – Room rate offered to corporate clients staying in the hotel.
Credit – A decrease in an asset or an increase in liability, or an amount of money the hotel owes the guest.
Credit balance – Amounts of money a hotel owes guests in future services.
Credit card imprinter – makes an imprint of the credit card the guest will use as the method of payment.
Crisis management – maintaining control of an emergency situation.
Cross-training – training employees for performing multiple tasks and jobs.
Current guests – Guest who are registered in the hotel
Customer relationship management – A system that allows hotel managers to integrate technology to support customer service techniques that provide top-notch customer service.
Cycle of service – The progression of a guest’s request for products and service through a hotel’s department.
Daily blocking – assigning guests to their particular rooms on a daily basis.
Daily sales report – A financial activity report produced by a department in a hotel that reflects daily sales activities with accompanying cash register tapes or point-of-sales audit tapes.
Database interfaces – the sharing of information among computers.
Data sorts – Report option in a PMS that indicate groupings of information.
Debit – An increase in an asset or a decrease in a liability.
Debit balance – An amount of money the guest owes the hotel.
Debit cards – Embossed plastic cards with a magnetic strip on the reverse side that authorize direct transfer of fund from a customer’s bank account to the commercial organization’s bank account for purchase of goods and services.
Deep cleaning – A through cleaning on furniture and accessories, windows, flooring and walls.
Demographic data – Size, density, distribution, and vital statistic of population broken down into, for example; age, sex, marital status and occupation categories.
Departmental accounts – Income and expense-generating areas of the hotel, such as restaurants, gift shop and banquet.
Direct-email letters – Letter sent directly to individuals in a targeted market group in a marketing effort .
Distance learning – learning that takes place via satellite broadcasts, Picture Tel, or online computer interaction.
Double Occupancy Percentage – A measure of a hotel’s staff ability to attract more than one guest to a room; the method to compute double occupancy percentage is :
Number of guest – number of rooms sold / number of rooms sold X 100%
Eco tourists – Tourist who plan vacation to understand the culture and environment of a particular area
Electronic key – A plastic key with electronic codes embedded on a magnetic strip.
Electronic key system – A system composed of battery-powered or, less frequently, hardwired locks; a host computer and terminals; a keypuncher; and special entry cards that are used as keys.
Empowerment – Management’s act of delegating certain authority and responsibility to frontline employees.
Ergonomics – The study of how people relate psychologically to machines.
European plan – A rate that quotes room charge only.
Express check out – Means by which the guest uses computer technology in a guest room or a computer in the hotel lobby to check out.
Family rate – room rates offered to encourage visit by families with children.
Float – The delay in payment from an account after using a credit card or personal check.
Floor limit – A dollar amount set by the credit card agency that allows for a maximum amount of guest charges.
Flow analysis processes – The preparation of a schematic drawing of the operations included in a particular function.
Flowchart – An analysis of the delivery of a particular product or service.
Folio – A guest’s record of charges and payment.
Forecasting – Projecting room sales for a specific period.
Full house – 100 percent hotel occupancy; a hotel that has all its guest room occupied.
Full service – A level of service provided by a hotel with a wide range of conveniences for the guest.
Global Distribution System ( GDS ) – Distributor of hotel rooms to corporations such as travel agents that buy rooms in large volume.
Going green – the responsibility to take care of the environment.
ReplyDeleteThanks for this all information about hotel management system i like it thanks
Hotel management system