23 April 2011

Hotel Management Terminology

Defection rate – A measure of guest dissatisfaction, expresses as a  percentage of guest lost to competitors because of service related problems.

Moment of truth – Any episode in which a customer comes into contact with some aspect of an organization and gets an impression of the quality of its service : considered to be the basic atom of service, the smallest indivisible unit of value delivered to customer.

Internal moment of truth – A specific event, situation, or interaction in which anyone employed by a company comes into contact with some aspect of the company that contribute to the quality of his or her work experience.

Quality service – Service that consistently  meet or exceeds customer expectation.

Service strategy – The effort of a hospitality business to increase guest perceptions of value by consistently meeting or exceeding important guest expectations in critical moment of truth.

Vision statement – A company’s assertion of the direction, objectives and ethical code underlying its purpose for being.

Service recovery system – Policies and procedures that guide manager and staff in resolving guest complaint.

Brainstorming – An idea gathering technique that uses team interaction or generate as many ideas as possible within a given time period. Brainstorming taps into the collective brainpower of the team and yields greater results than could be achieved if each individual in the team worked alone.

Continues improvement – The on going efforts within a company to meet the needs and exceed the expectations of customers by changing the way work is performed  so that products and services are delivered better, faster and at least cost than in the past.

Authority – The formal power granted by an organization to a management position.

Accountability – A manager’s acceptance of the responsibility that accompanies authority and the need to justify his or her actions to higher level managers in the organization.

Empowerment – The redistribution of power within an organization that enables managers, supervisors, and employees to perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively with the overall goal of enhancing service to guest and increasing profits for the organization by releasing decision-making responsibility, authority and accountability to every level within the organization.

Power – The ability to influence the behavior of others.

Supportive communication style – A communication style that combines high sociability with low dominance, characterized by sensitivity , patience and preference for informal interactions.

Directive communication style – A communication style that combines high dominance with low sociability, characterized by frankness, determination and a no-nonsense approach.

Chain of command – A series of management position in order of authority . An organization’s chain of command is represented on an organization chart by lines of authority linking all positions within the organization and specifying formal reporting relationships.

Lateral communication – Communication with those on the same level as you in the organization.

 Upward communication – Communication with those above you in the organization.

Coaching – A directive process used by a manager to train and orient an employee to the realities of the work place and to help the employee remove barriers to optimum work performance.

Conflict Management – A process in which a manager attempts to resolve a conflict by applying listening skills, feedback skills and one or more of a variety of conflict-management strategies.

Goal Setting – A process in which objectives are created to improve one’s work performance or personal skills.

Principle negotiation – A process that helps conflicting parties resolve conflicts in such a way that all parties gain something from the resolution. Four keys to principled negotiation are to separate the people from the problem, focus on what people really mean, invent options for mutual gain, and use objective criteria.

Process consultation – A process for resolving conflict that emphasizes understanding the attitudes the conflicting parties hold toward one another. Process consultation attempts to improve the relationship between the parties to the point that they can resolve the conflict themselves.

SWOT analysis – A brainstorming technique. “ SWOT” stands for Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats.

Agenda – A written plan for a meeting that indicates the date, time, and place for the meeting and the issues to be addressed.

Baseline measurement – A measurement used as a basis for comparisons or for control purposes; a beginning point in an evaluation of output observed over a period of time. A baseline measurement represents how a process performs prior to any improvement effort.

Code of conduct – Expectations of behavior mutually agreed upon by team members.

Cross-functional team – A team of individuals from different organizational units or functions that solves problems and develops solution effecting the organization as a system.

Forming – The first stage of team development, characterized by cautions, limited member participation, dependence on the leader and low productivity.

Groupthink – The tendency of a group to stifle differences of opinion in an effort to preserve group unity and harmony; may arise during the norming stage of team development.

Just in time training – A process that provides training when it is needed.

Minutes – A written summary of the events and actions of a meeting.

Mission statement – A statement of the mission of an organization or team that describes the organization’s or team’s reason for existence. Mission statements are broad and expected to remain in effect for an extended period of time.

Norming – The third stage of team development, during which relationships become cooperative and supportive as members learn that they can work together as a cohesive unit. The team becomes more productive during this stage.

Performing – The fourth stage of team development, during which a team achieves its peak productivity: individual members share the desire to achieve the team’s common goals and appreciate each other’s individual contributions toward that end.

Self-directed team – A work team that manages itself and its work, making job assignments, planning work schedules and making service and production related decision.

Storming – The second stage of team development, characterized by conflict within the group as team members push boundaries and challenge authority. Member interaction becomes confrontational and productivity remains low.
Task-force team – A temporary work team formed to solve a specific problem that usually involves several departments or areas within an organization.

Transforming – The fifth and final stage of team development, when the group is either preparing to disband or facing a major change in its mission, membership, or environment. The team often regresses to behaviors characteristic of earlier stage of development as it struggles to cope with the changes.

Action plan – An outline of the tasks to be completed for each step in a critical path.

Driving force – A force that tends to encourage change in a particular direction.

Force field analysis – A planning technique that helps you identify and visualize the relationships of significant forces that influence a situation, problem or goal.

Reengineering – An organization change that involves the complete redesign of a process within the organization, the goal of which is to achieve a dramatic improvement.

Reinvention – An extreme organizational change requiring an organization to rethink every aspect of how it conducts business.

Restraining force – A force that tends to keep a situation from changing in a particular direction.

Behavior-based interviewing – A technique used by interviewers to determine how applicants have behaved under specific circumstances in the past. The theory behind behavior-based interviewing is that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

Networking – The practice of developing personal connections with friends, acquaintance, colleagues, associates, teacher, counselor and others.

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